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Sunday, September 1, 2013

The FBM Post Apocalympics

FBM has gone done it again. Another BMX event just weeks after the last one, just weeks after the tour just weeks after another event. You get the point. It won't be the high dollar, energy drink sponsored event you see on espn, but would you go to that anyway? FBM gives back more than anyone else in the industry, and this years Post Apocolypics was exactly that. Custom tee when you walk through the tent, tons of smiles and just good times attitudes. Even pouring rain didn't slow anyone down. Dudes were ripping and everyone stayed outside and honestly it was almost better than if stayed dry. I got to see a 30 person slip and slide, a dude roast over a truck in pouring, hard pouring rain, and more high fives than you can handle. This is just my kind of event.
 If there ever was a huge budget for an FBM contest, I wouldn't think they would want it any other way than what it already is. Here a few pics that Jared Brassard and I took while we were there.

Pics: Crandall and the FBM bus, Henny with a tire ride on a chunk of steel, Chuck with a double pegger on a trucksubbox, chuck with an almost table, Henny with a real table, Derek Nelson makes some rideable art, unknown over ice through a pic up trucks passenger window, Nac-nac on the wedge spine amazing whatever it is called, and Brien K repping some sparks distro with a rain soaked table!
Thanks to Jared for drivin out there with me.

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