The Daily Grind BMX and Skate Shop

Serving Eastern Ct. for over 13 years with the very best in BMX and Skateboarding.
Call us anytime!! 860-779-6440

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DG Holiday ad

gettin weird again at DG!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Banned in the backyard weekend.

Banned in the Backyard was this past weekend. Myself and Frank, Dan, and Chris flew out, met up with Nick P and his group that drove down and man was it an amazing time. Words do it no justice, and I decided to have fun instead of film and take pics.... Memory banks are on overload!!!
Chris shredded the whole time, super sick watchin him follow some of the best dudes in BMX off the big line with a face full of smiles and confidence.... Love that kid.
Annual stop at Daytona beach after ridin the park!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Foisey sent over the next ad for his school project. This one is siiiiiick!!! Justin Kozy getting it done in Providence, and New DG stuff is trickling in now!! Hats/beanies/jackets/socks/tees/posters/stickers and more available this week!!!

Do Foisey a favor and subscribe to his youtube page.....

Saturday, December 1, 2012


We are premiering the DVD here at the shop thursday night, come down check it out, have some pizza and beers for the over 21 queers.....   Anyone who knows me, knows I am old as shit and BF is one of fave riders ever, influenced by him 20 years ago, and still to this day.   Everyone is welcome to come chill for the evening, this is such an epic vid, please come see what BMX is all about.  

Also we will be watching the new Cult DVD as well.....

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Foisy has a college project and had to make three ads for a business, he decided on using DG!!! here is the first one with Joe and Sam!

Friday, November 23, 2012

What time is dinner??

Thanksgiving, a day of getting together with family and friends and eating lots and lots of food. Lets talk about what time we are doing this....

Normal people, normal day: Up at 6 or 7, breakfast, lunch at noon, dinner at 5 or 6.
This is pretty standard.

Me, normal day. Up at 9ish, no breakfast, cold lunch in-between wheel building, dinner at 8 or 9....
This is just cause of the dynamics of working at the shop and how things go all day.

Thanksgiving holiday: Dinner is at the weirdest times, non of which are 12 or 5. Why is this?? Why does everyone just up and change the eating times for this day? 10:30 or 11?? Turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy at 10:30am?? Who does that? You can't get Mcdonalds lunch at 10:30 on a Normal day but all of the sudden it is exceptable to eat a full dinner?? How about 3pm lunch? Where is the thinking in this? "It's a special day so skip noon, and forget the 5 oclock dinner, we'll run in-between at 3."

Never really understood why normalcy is completely thrown out the window... Either way, my dinner was amazing and even though it was the only time I ate that day, When Mom says to be there at 3, you be there at 3!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving morning sesh!!!!

Thanksgiving day ride with the fellas. We all got together at our local fave/best place ever, Owen bell park, for the morning sesh before we all go eat ourselves into a food coma at our 1st families houses. DG crew just having a good time and it is more than nice out!!! So psyched to hang with these guys, truly a super fun time every time we get together. This is the first half of what I am thankfull for on Thanksgiving, now I am headed to Mom dukes house for the rest of my giving Thanks day!!! See you al tomorrow on blAcK FrIdAy!!!!

Nick Prete fast plant on the 10 
I did this sweeet little hand plant stall thingy

Sam Jones not grinding!

Chris D'Aiello with a sweeet pocket air.

Chris launch to tire slide.

Justin Koziol poppin out the 6 in Target apparel

Brandy new rails, Sam gets it done.  FIRST! 

Nick just seconds later, a first on the other side.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



All frames, 50 bucks off!!
All decks, 10 bucks off!!!
All complete bikes, 50 bucks off!!!
All shoes, 20 bucks off!!!!
All tee shirts are buy one get one free!!!
Everything is on sale for this one stupid day.

Everything in the store is on sale, come in and if it is not already a listed sale item, we'll give you the sale price!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday in Willi....

DG fellas got together and had a sweeet Sunday out in Willimantic Ct. The willi park is prolly the best one in Ct and the city also has the best curb sessions ever! Chris decided to drop more than clothes off at the salvo bin. We hit up the highschool and Frank tried some non frank like stuff and Chris did this rail hop. Sweeeeet times.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Banned in the backyard!!!

Dan, Chris and I are flying out to this!! Our favorite Florida crew has been doing what they do and if this is like anything else I have ever been to there, it will be the best thing ever!!! Just another showing of a bunch of dudes doing it for the love of BMX, no budget, no huge sponsors, just puttin in work for others to enjoy, these types of people are few and far between, must be somethin in the water down there, other than Gators!!

So psyched to go hang with my best friends and my Florida friends for a bit!!! I think Nick is driving down as well, and I am trying to get Frank to take a day off from Ct life, but we all know how that goes(Dentists work, pullin teeth) Hahahahahahhahaaaaa, any way you slice it, you have to be there!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012


check out the Joe Lussier in his Baltic edit recently reposted HERE> It is a sweeet little edit Foisey made a while back....

Ooooops, wrong edit.... hahaha

Baltic edit is here.


Sam Jones demonstrates how we did at the Fall Brawl above.(he is about to fall for like 30 seconds, longest fall winner for sure.)

DG won everything at the Eastern Boarder Fall Brawl!!!! Sweeping every category in the contest, if only the categories were fall on your ass. eat shit, and wrecked!!! Hahaha, The crew had a blast riding with the best in New England but literaly fell short of any kind of good contest ride. But then again, we aren't really about that kinda riding, we just ride together with friends and do what we do. Plus none of us can air out 15 feet into the rafters whilst doing tuck no handed bar spin flairs. Man some of these guys are so crazy sick!!!!

Nick whipping his way around in practice.

Chris doing his best chris, clicked awesomeness!!!

Joey number rode practice well, then in his run he ate shit, followed by flailing to his chinny chin chin, all with a smile and an apology.

Thanks to Josh at EB for doing this event again!!! It was super cool to see all those dudes shredding and a great chance to get together with the rest of our awesome New England BMXers and shoot the shit for a bit.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Tent sale!!!!

The Tent sale was today and it was sick!! Mostly cause the guys hang all day and we had a 3 hour grindbox sesh but all in all it was a great day!!!!

Nick hopped over the fence on the side of the shop from the grindbox!

Sam did this feeble grind which was tricky cause the fence was inches away, he hopped like 4 feet out of it too!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Justin K, K KILLING IT!!!!

CHECK IT OUT HERE!!!! Justin Koziol, shop ripper, shop employee, all around shop everything, but more importantly, just a fuckin bad ass dude, killed this brick hubba, I am also in possession of an even crazier pic on the same ledge, coming soon!!! Any event, all of it is nuts, Give him some props when you see him!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today is probably the biggest day to celebrate in the shops history.

On November 1st 2002 the phones rang for the first time here at 74 Main st. in Danielson Ct. I was excited and scared out of my mind. We had a 6 ft case split half and half with BMX and Skate parts. A rack with 6 decks on it, I can still remember most of the graphics. I had 6 borrowed Schwinn complete bicycles from my buddy Darryl who owned a motorcycle shop a few towns over. It was mostly banners and posters on the walls.

The BMX brands were Standard and S&M, and the Kink Freebird frame (Ryan Shers' Frame, now runs Subrosa) was the hot deal around here. Shadow just started, no one even knew what it was... UGP and Little Devil were the tees everyone wanted to wear.

As for skate stuff, I was new to it. I had never gripped a board. Had my local friends Mike Kuchy and Aaron Brais help me through the first skate order. Aaron was the first guy who worked the shop with me, the first one that had a key and actually treated this place like it was his own, Aaron is a police officer in Willi now, Mike is a copper in Hartford. Both of them are an integral part of this place played out.

After that first Christmas the shop had already grown, we had to get a separate skate case, make one wall for boards and skate stuff and the other for bmx parts, we got out first batch of complete bikes right before x-mas, Like 5 bikes or something, more than i could handle at the time.... The borrowed stuff was gone,and the orders came in with fresh stuff one after another...

The shop riders were locals Mike, Aaron and Matt Burns, These guys were here everyday, we would close up and ride together on the speed bump or sesh the bank to curb in the commuter lot almost every night. Niel Bissonette, Matt Barcus, John Buckler and a few other regulars I had known from the Willi YMCA park were soon put on the team. Then I met a kid at Shrewsbury MSC skatepark, weird, had makeup on or something, we kind of became instant friends. He came here everyday from Webster Ma. As I was looking back on ten years of pictures it is hard pressed to find any in the first five years that don't have Eric Hennessey in them. A bigger shop opened up a few towns over and they hooked him up so he went onward from here, We had a bunch of good times, and still do.

The shops guys have changed over the years, Aaron and Mike are cops, Have houses and Mike has a kid, Buckler is doing well with wife and kid, Barcus is still out killing it on his BMX, Matt Burns managed a bike shop for years and is hoping to start his own some time, Mark and Jordan are both growing up, working alot and skating their free time away, Eric Hennessey is out traveling across the country riding with FBM and just living the BMX life. The current shop guys are always around, Frank is an OG, Nick has been here since he was gangster, Little Chris is as tall as I am, I always pick on Dan like I am surprised when he shows up but reality is that kid is one reliable mother fucker. These guys all Bleed this place like I do. The thing is, they come and they go and the one thing that will never change is they are always going to be my best friends.

I have done countless events, gone across the country 8 times with the shop guys, we have had some damn good times here just being here. This place has always been about this town, this area, and these people. I seriously do everything I can and almost always a bunch of shit I shouldn't do to take care of these kids and this scene. But really the scene takes care of me too, So fast forward to now...

The shop is now 4 times the original size, I have over 50 bikes in stock (still making the same bad decisions ten years later) I am probly the only BMXer who doesn't skate that knows about what wheels flatspot easy, what boards turn into wet noodles after a week and which grip tape sucks, I also have gripped thousands of boards, I'm good at it. This place is stacked floor to ceiling it is just crazy, The shop looks like what I pictured my dream place would be back in 2002....

I could give a shit about birthdays, everyone in my family and friend group are beating down the doors to try and do something nice for me in Dec. and i can give a shit less cause I have no control over being born, but this place, THIS STORE, the fucking Daily Grind, I built this place, This place is mine and for ten years it has been everything I could ever ask for. I'll probly be the only one to say it.... But,

Happy TEN YEARS Daily Grind. BEST TEN EVER!!!!


We have just a ton of new stuff coming in at DG!!! Just for Daily Grind product, right now DG decks, Hats, beanies, hoodies, tee-shirts, socks, koozies, stickers and DG posters are all being made, right here in the good ol USA!!!! In order to make room for all this new stuff, I am cleaning out the product we have in stock!!!

For one day only, we will have a HUGE sale. A tent sale including decks, clothing, shoes, bikes, parts, basically everything, and it is all priced to move, and at prices that CCS and Dans comp can't even come close to touching, cause all the product in this shop is current, and up to date, the best of best, and it's on sale like it was ten years ago crap your parents think is cool still. I am only doing this for one day, 6 hours in fact, so get ready to take advantage!!!!! Saturday November 10th, from 9-3, Thats it.... Plan on it!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday news.... Creepin up on 10 years.

NEW ENGLAND JAM CHOWDA was this past weekend and I guess we can call it a success!! I have been working on this thing for the past two months and it took a bit away from the shop, so from now on, it's back to the ol DIALY GRIND!!!! Keep checking in and for 2013 we have some huge plans to make this place your favorite skate/bike shop!! We are gonna start early though!! Coming in DEcember there will be a new shop deck, anyone who buys a shop deck and one other item gets a free DG tee!!!! We have new socks, Hats, beanies, hoodies and tees coming out in December!! Anyone who remembers the shops 10 year anniversary and brings anything in to celebrate that day gets a wicked hook up as well!!! 2013 is our 10th year on Main Street, I'm gonna make it epic!!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012



Dan Danger

As you can see, we here at DG think very highly of Daniel James Mcmahon.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Last green festival.

I took the shop to the Brooklyn fairgrounds this past weekend to attend the Last green Festival. It was a weekend music festival with 80 bands and a fair like vibe. We all rode the shop ramps when it wasn't raining and just hung out and ate food and had a great time when it was. Henny came out for a few days, all the shop guys came, quite a few of our friends came to chill as well, it was super fun, there are a ton more pics on out Facebook page, click HERE!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

DG ramp at Jam Chowda!!!

Built a sweeet ramp for the NEJC Jam!!! Hope you are all coming and supporting this event, Lucky for for the hometown guys, the biggest BMX event in New England is right out your back door, get there!!!!

Thanks to Joe Miller for the sweet photos, and of course Chris D'Aiello For shreddin the gnarstache.

Etnies/blackout tour edit

A few weeks back these guys rollled through and about 200 people came to have some good times.... check out the edit of the whole tour!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chris back in action....

Chris fresh off an injured wing, is back and flowing...... Joe Miller took some sweeet pics from dayville today. Look for Chris out there having fun and shreddin on his Native built BMX!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Moosup is open!! just off exit 89 on 395, it just ten minutes from the shop, that makes 7 parks within 40 minutes of the shop!!!! Crazy!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012


Iphone 5 is coming out for those of you who Have to have the best phone in the world.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sterling family fun day!!!

Saturday I took the DG crew to Sterling Ct for their annual family fun day. It was a sweet laid back afternoon riding the grind box for the kids to watch and getting to dunk our shop redhead, Chris D'Aiello... Good times.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mark T, sans sleeves.

Here is a sweet pic Joe Miller took at Dayville of Marks newest trickery, sleeveless back boneless...
Mark T, you all know if I try to spell his last name I am getting it wrong.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday Sale!!!

So this is happening... Laboring on Labor Day all Day at DG!!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Justin has been here on the hot days, he decided to start watching every season of scrubs..... I forget how funny it is, but it is great entertainment while building bikes..... Here is one of my faves...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Justin Koziol is coming to the shop and has to spend the entire day here. While he is here, if at any time during the day he says, FAYGO, Justin has to come to the shop for an entire day with Juggalo face paint on. If he makes it through an entire day with out saying it, I will wear the face paint.
Help me win, bring in some Faygo Moonmist for Justin tomorrow!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Street League was so awesome. Big thanks to Worship and Jeff Blaymen for the hook up with tics for the DG crew... Good time hangin with Jordo,Justin and Joe all day too. If I have to hear Fahgo Moon Mist one more time I might jump off a bridge....

Friday, August 24, 2012


Joe is awesome, such a nice kid.... He has probably apologized for being so nice to you before, and he is sorry this edit is so good!!! Click away, watch again and again,subscribe to Foisys youtube page....

Wanna win a DG Tank??? Once this vid hits 100 views, call the shop and leave me a good message, something fun, you must say 100 views and leave your name and number, 3rd message gets the Tank top. Also I'll be watching the time so I know if you call before or after the 100 views, Get it done!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Etnies Shop stop!!

K, so the Etnies/Blackout tour rolled through town last Wed. It was a good time with a great turn out of BMXers.... Here's a few pics and there are many more on the DG Facebook pageHERE!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Shop stop......

Kink/Blackout/Etnies tour rolled through the shop last Wed. I took a bunch of photos, but spent Thursday all day putting ramps away and getting ready for a weekend trip I am leaving on now, Plan was to Update the site from a hotel but I lost all my thumb drives so I will put all the pics up soon as I am back on Monday!!! I'll update the site with some weekend stuff in the meantime. Come visit Justin Koziol at the shop today and tomorrow, he is holding it down and giving out some super sweet deals.......

Saturday, August 11, 2012

"I AM SMILING" Jordan Vieira

Here's Jordos part in the DG shop dvd, "I AM SMILING" If anyone wants to pick one up instead of watching videos online, we have actual DVDs here at the shop for lots less than they are worth..... Jordan put in some work for this part so enjoy it....

Friday, August 10, 2012

"I am smiling" Mark Tetreault

Probably my fave part of our dvd, I didn't want to post this online but the guys wanted their parts online, so here it is..... More coming soon...

Thursday, August 2, 2012


That's right, Take a DG related or otherwise awesomely awesome pic on instagram, hashtag that fucker #dgshopdeck, and the 50 best pics are going on the new shop deck!!!! The 8 newest photos will be here on the right side header of the site, click on em to see who sent em... Get it done!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


KINK/ETNIES/BLACKOUT DISTROBUTION will be throwing out lots of free swiggity swag(hate that word) at the shop stop on Wed. Aug. 15th. BE HERE!!!!!