The Daily Grind BMX and Skate Shop

Serving Eastern Ct. for over 13 years with the very best in BMX and Skateboarding.
Call us anytime!! 860-779-6440

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A sorry note for the few who view....

I appologize for the lack of effort in posting the goings on at the shop lately. I have been consumed with organizing the jam. Thats right, unless this is the first time you have heard anything from me, you have heard me talk about New England Jam Chowda. I have been spending most of my days for the past few months making phone calls, and answering emails, trying to get the 40 or so different shops and brands all together on one day, Sunday Oct. 6th 2014. I have been working with everyone to get info to promote their brands, shops, websites and so on. Getting people what they need to get obstacles built, ideas, plans, art, and so much more. Editing videos, getting shirts printed, signs made, renting dunk tanks, porto-potties, sound systems. Getting people places to camp, hotels, rides to and from the airports. Getting the companies we al buy from to give back and send us some prizes (I personally hate that part) I also hate putting my shop second to anything, but this jam is def. worth it in the end.
The best part of doing this event for me is the realization that that are so many people who feel the way I do about BMX. The out-pouring of support from everyone is just overwhelming at times. To see all the shops jump in right away, to have people contact me cause they want to support it, to have boxes and boxes of product sent here from all these amazing places, the list goes on and on...
I am truly psyched to have all my friends in one place at one time, to celebrate how awesome BMX is here in New England and all over really.

Soooo thats why the shop has taken a back seat for a bit. It is def. a struggle to take the time I spend getting people to come to the shop and put that aside to promote and make the Jam happen. Taking months of work for a Jam that lasts about 8 hours.... Bottom line is it is just soooooooo worth it. I hope everyone plans on coming to this amazing celebration of little kids bikes and friends and life as we know it. Save up your ten bucks now, I promise I have been doing everything in my abilities to make the Jam as good as I know how to make it.
Please check out the NEJC site It is updated everyday!!! See you all there!!!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

On the fence...

If you know me at all you know I love just about everything BMX.  This year after all the work of putting on New England Jam Chowda, and having that huge BMX festival here in town, I really wanted to go to Texas Toast, the biggest BMX event in the US the 3rd week in Oct.
    Austin is sooo amazing for BMX and I can't wait to get there again.  Thing is, my Momdukes booked this amazing trip to St. Thomas the same week.  I have been sitting on this fence for a few weeks, which one do I go to??  It seems like both would be ideal, but I can only be away from the store for 1 week, and both is not an option as it takes about two days to get from Austin to St. Thomas (from Boston to St. Thomas is under 4 hours-go figure) and it's just not worth the money to be in either place for only 2 days...
    Sooo after many days I have finally jumped the fence and bought my plane tickets last night!!   Super psyched to see NORA cup, a T-1 party, and the whos who of BMX will be in Austin, while I am sitting on the beach with my Mom dukes, uncle Bob, and AMC.  Bottom line comes down to spending time with the people you love while you can. Looking forward to an amazing time away from bikes for a few days...  Thanks for opportunity Ma!!!!  

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The FBM Post Apocalympics

FBM has gone done it again. Another BMX event just weeks after the last one, just weeks after the tour just weeks after another event. You get the point. It won't be the high dollar, energy drink sponsored event you see on espn, but would you go to that anyway? FBM gives back more than anyone else in the industry, and this years Post Apocolypics was exactly that. Custom tee when you walk through the tent, tons of smiles and just good times attitudes. Even pouring rain didn't slow anyone down. Dudes were ripping and everyone stayed outside and honestly it was almost better than if stayed dry. I got to see a 30 person slip and slide, a dude roast over a truck in pouring, hard pouring rain, and more high fives than you can handle. This is just my kind of event.
 If there ever was a huge budget for an FBM contest, I wouldn't think they would want it any other way than what it already is. Here a few pics that Jared Brassard and I took while we were there.

Pics: Crandall and the FBM bus, Henny with a tire ride on a chunk of steel, Chuck with a double pegger on a trucksubbox, chuck with an almost table, Henny with a real table, Derek Nelson makes some rideable art, unknown over ice through a pic up trucks passenger window, Nac-nac on the wedge spine amazing whatever it is called, and Brien K repping some sparks distro with a rain soaked table!
Thanks to Jared for drivin out there with me.