The Daily Grind BMX and Skate Shop

Serving Eastern Ct. for over 13 years with the very best in BMX and Skateboarding.
Call us anytime!! 860-779-6440

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


March is on it's way out and that means new events for April.... It was a crazy month here at DG sorry for the lack of posts....
Lets start with another game of SKATE on Saturday April 12th at 6pm, You asked for it, so you got it. Lets make it a big one!!! (maybe outside???)
Also the DG photo contest, here's the skinny:
Get your best photo of you or someone else shreddin it up and reppin DG.
You don't have to huck yourself down a ten set and get a permanent set of blue balls for this, anything will do, sittin on a park bench with a DG shirt on, a bum with a sign "will work for DG" a hot chick with DG pasties.... anything will do. I want you guys and gals to get creative.

An 8x10 is preferred but if not print out your best photo and we'll take it.
Saturday April 26th is the last day I will except the photos
Friday May 2nd the shop will turn into an art gallery featuring all the photos submitted.
Everyone attending will be able to vote on their fave pics in various categories and some lame DG prizes will be givin to the entrant of the winning photos.
Message me via myspace if you have any questions...
There will be a small fee per photo entered
Flyer coming soon!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

CT BMX... John Buck and a few DG guys plus a host of other rippers... Check it out.

cut 2 trailer from jon buckler on Vimeo.